Paul Foster Cooks Pasta, Properly

Salt, Rustichello, & a Pinch of Golding

It is proven that complex carbohydrates stimulate endorphins, this can further help one to absorb the tryptophan and B vitamins present in pasta. Tryptophan helps regulate mood and B vitamins relax muscles while producing serotonin. Furthermore there are emotional and neurophysiological mechanisms afoot proving: Pasta can Make you Happy.

Endeavouring to be universally well liked, as a person, is often a recipe for regret.  However, very few of us would lament the joys of preparing pasta.  There is even an argument to say making pasta makes you happy.  For those of you in agreement, Paul has a great book for you out now.  Suitable for both the home cook and professional, this book has undertaken a 14 month long development process.   Embarking upon another Italian tour,  Paul collected recipes and compared different techniques with some of Italy’s most respected names in Pasta.  He has studied the origins behind the most iconic pasta dishes in the world.  He doesn't  give readers the recipe, the photo and the method alone.  The book provides a bit of history, information, and/or the reason why he's chosen to do that dish, touching on all the background to hand.

 Buy Paul's Book

Launching our first event of 2024 with the promise of Pasta, we can not wait for February 9th - 11th to roll on.  For those of you who have joined us for the last trip, this time around we headed into the  Saturday market in Pontremoli to check out the local fare.  We also visited the Cantina Lunae Bosoni.

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