The Table is Talking


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The Table is Talking

Autumn in Tuscany

This Event is Now Fully Booked

Please contact us Direct if you would like us to plan your next Eating Tour!

green trees near brown brick wall

Friday - September 20, 2024

Welcome to Lunigiana! You will be checking in to Cà di Rossi this afternoon.  The setting is truly breathtaking and there is a pool at the Agriturrismo as well.  James will then take you into the Medieval city of Pontremoli for a Traditional Lunigianese dinner at one of our favourite locals.

Cà di Rossi - Agriturrismo

man in blue jacket standing in front of fruit stand

Saturday - September 21, 2024

Beginning the day, breakfast is served from 8.  We will have an early start, as we will be taking a tour of the vineyards at Cantine Lunae  followed by a wine tasting for an early lunch.  Dinner tonight will be a Panigacci feast back at Cà di Rossi.

Cà di Rossi - Ristorante

white and black skull figurine

Sunday - September 22, 2024 

After a good start with a relaxed breakfast, the afternoon is yours to relax and explore.  James will take you out in the evening jumping into a tour of our local cuisine. 

clear plane window

Monday - September 23, 2024 

Another breakfast is included.  Today is time to check out  & head onward to new adventures.  


Le registrazioni sono chiuse
Data e ora
venerdì 20 settembre 2024
Inizio - 12:00 (Europe/London)
lunedì 23 settembre 2024
Fine - 19:00 (Europe/London)

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Ca' di Rossi

Via Busatica
Mulazzo MS 54026
--Ca' di Rossi--
+39 349 591 2249

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Nomadic Sporadic


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